April is Stress Awareness Month. As a health or social care support worker or domiciliary care worker, you play an incredibly important role in the lives of your clients. However, your job can also be incredibly demanding and stressful, leading to burnout and reduced wellbeing over time. That’s why it’s crucial to develop stress-management strategies that work for you. Here are seven strategies to help you manage stress and improve your overall wellbeing:
As a support or care worker, it can be easy to take on too much or commit to work that doesn’t align with your personal priorities. To reduce stress and exhaustion, practice setting healthy boundaries and saying no to tasks that don’t serve your priorities.
Make a list of situations or tasks that tend to leave you feeling drained or stressed out, and identify one or two ways to reduce stress for each. When these situations arise, take advantage of them as an opportunity to practice stress-reduction techniques and note what works for you.
Bottling up your feelings can only make them feel heavier and more overwhelming. Instead, try to express and discuss your feelings with colleagues or trusted friends. This can help you feel less alone and more supported.
Taking time for hobbies or exercise can be incredibly beneficial for reducing stress and improving overall wellbeing. Consider activities such as gentle repetitive exercise, meditation, or engaging hobbies that focus your attention and bring you joy.
When you’re feeling rushed or overwhelmed, take a step back and request time to orient yourself to new tasks or responsibilities. Plan ahead and arrive at appointments early to reduce stress.
Each day, try to find something positive about your work or clients, even on tough days. Visualize situations where you’ve handled things well, and hold those memories in your mind when you’re going into stressful situations.
Drinking, smoking, and relying on sedatives or stimulants may provide temporary relief, but they can also create long-term mental and physical health problems. Instead, consider healthier ways to cope with stress, such as engaging in self-care activities, talking to supportive colleagues, or seeking out professional support when needed.
By incorporating these stress-management strategies into your daily routine, you can improve your overall wellbeing and build greater resilience in the face of workplace stress. Remember to prioritize self-care, and seek out support when you need it. You’ve got this!
Thank you for reading our post on stress awareness month. We’re really proud of the healthcare workers who each and every day make a difference in the lives of people in their communities. If you are interested in working with us, register for work, browse our current jobs, or get in touch directly with the team:
e:Â info@prosperohealthandsocial.com
t:020 3319 3619
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