National Suicide Prevention Month: Raising Awareness

Post by: Prospero | September 18, 2023

September is the month of National Suicide Prevention. Here at Prospero Health & Social Care, we want to continue raising awareness and help those in need as much as we can. Whether it is for yourself or someone else, continue reading to make a positive change.

If you are struggling or would like to speak with someone:

Understanding Mental Health:

Understanding mental health is the key to addressing the issue of suicide prevention. Our mental health is just as vital as our physical health, and we shouldn’t neglect it. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness of some common symptoms. These include:

  • Changes in mood or behaviour
  • Physical changes
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Appetite changes
  • Loss of interest
  • Intense emotions
  • Thoughts of self harm

Please note that if you experience some of these symptoms you may not be suffering from a mental illness. However, if you find yourself often experiencing a lot of the symptoms please contact your GP, contact a helpline or partake in therapy sessions.

Effective management and support:

Managing your mental health is a journey, and often involves a combination of self-care practices and professional support. Therefore, seeking assistance and raising awareness from mental health professionals is a great starting point.

Further reading:

How we help:

At Prospero Health & Social Care we recognise the importance of raising awareness and offer many job opportunities in this field. By joining our team, you can make an impact in the lives of individuals struggling with their mental health.

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