Statement of Vetting & Monitoring Procedures

At Prospero Health & Social Care we take our vetting obligations seriously, ensuring the staff we place are properly qualified and that children and vulnerable adults will be safe in their care. Prospero Health & Social Care is compliant with all relevant Government legislation and CQC & CIW guidance including:

  • General Data Protection Regulation 2018
  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
  • The Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015
  • Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • The Care Act 2014
  • Health and Social Care Act 2012
  • Agency Workers Regulations 2010
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Childcare Act 2006
  • The Conduct Regulations 2003
  • National Minimum Wage Act 1998
  • Working Time Regulations 1998
  • Employment Rights Act 1996

As a proud member of APSCo, Prospero Health & Social Care adheres to the highest standards of Temporary Worker selection, vetting & safeguarding, training & development and provision & management of our Support Workers, Health Care Assistants and other Care Support Staff.

All Prospero Health & Social Care recruitment staff are given full training in “Best Practice” procedures for conducting interviews, performing vetting checks and recruiting for clients.

Prospero Health & Social Care is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expects all staff to share this commitment.

Please find below details of Prospero Health & Social Care’s vetting and safeguarding checks:

Right to work:

  • To prevent illegal working, Temporary Workers are required to provide Prospero Health & Social Care with their original right to work documentation.
  • If there is any uncertainty about a Temporary Worker’s right to work, relevant checks are carried out with the UK Visa and Immigration service.


  • To confirm identity, Temporary Workers are required to provide Prospero Health & Social Care with an official, current photographic identity document – such as a passport, driving license or Biometric Residence Permit.
  • Temporary Workers who do not hold a current photographic identity document are asked to apply for an official identity document before deployment for work.
  • In addition to photographic ID, Temporary Workers must also provide a document to confirm their National Insurance number and 2 proofs of their current address.

Disclosure and Barring Service:

  • All Temporary Workers must hold an enhanced DBS certificate checked against the workforce(s) relevant to the role for which they are applying.
  • For certificates registered with the update service, a status check is run at least every 12 months to ensure the certificate remains current.
  • For certificates not registered with the update service, a new DBS application is completed every 12 months.
  • Where information has been identified, Prospero Health & Social Care will obtain a written, signed statement from the Temporary Worker which will then be signed off by the Compliance Manager before deployment for work.
  • If at any time a Temporary Worker is offered to a client prior to an enhanced DBS check completion, a written confirmation must be received from the client that they are happy to accept the Temporary Worker on those conditions.

Barred List (L99):

Prospero Health & Social Care carries out a separate children’s barred list check (L99) check on all Temporary Workers. This is in addition to the children’s barred list check carried out with the DBS.

Overseas Police Checks:

  • Temporary Workers who have lived or worked outside of the UK for 6 months or more in the last five years must provide Prospero Health & Social Care with an official police check from the relevant countries to cover their time spent abroad.
  • In the instance when an overseas police check is unavailable from the country (as specified by the website), a letter of good conduct may be obtained from the Temporary Worker’s overseas employer verifying their good conduct and confirmation of no criminal activity/convictions whilst employed and living abroad.
  • If the Temporary Worker has been travelling and has not resided in one country for 6 months or more, then an overseas police check is not necessary.


  • All Temporary Workers are required to complete a medical declaration to ensure they do not suffer from any conditions that may prevent or limit them from carrying out their employment duties.
  • Further confirmation of fitness for work by declaration of reasonable adjustments or a letter from a GP is sought if necessary.

Face to Face Interview:

A face to face registration interview is conducted with every Temporary Worker to ascertain suitability prior to deployment for work


  • Temporary Workers are required to provide Prospero Health & Social Care with their original qualification documents and relevant care certificates at interview.
  • It is preferable that Temporary Workers have a minimum of 1-year recent practical experience or at least 6 months recent practical experience with a recent recognised care qualification.
  • Any Temporary Worker without previous care experience must complete the full Care Certificate before work is offered.
  • All Temporary Workers are expected to hold up to date safeguarding children and vulnerable adults training and complete annual mandatory training including food safety, health and safety, infection prevention and control, equality and diversity, fire safety and safeguarding.


  • A minimum of two professional references are collected for all Temporary Workers, one of which must be from the Temporary Worker’s most recent employer.
  • On receipt, references are checked to ensure all specific questions have been answered satisfactorily and that there are no issues around safeguarding and suitability to work with children and vulnerable adults.
  • References are also checked to ensure the dates of employment correspond with the Temporary Worker’s CV/application and that the reference has been received from a senior member of staff, who is in a position to provide the Temporary Worker with a reference.
  • References from unrecognised organisations are checked for authenticity on receipt.
  • All verbal and open references are confirmed in writing with the referee.
  • References from family members or friends are not acceptable.
  • If at any time a Temporary Worker is offered to a client prior to references checks being completed, a written confirmation must be received from the client that they are happy to accept the Temporary Worker on those conditions.

Employment History:

  • A full employment and school history must be provided by the Temporary Worker in the format of a CV.
  • Skills and experience are checked and any gaps in employment are identified and questioned at interview.


  • Vetting and monitoring is continued even after a Temporary Worker is fully cleared for work.
  • Regular performance feedback is requested from clients for day-to-day cover and written feedback obtained from any longer-term placements.
  • Temporary Worker records are audited internally on an annual basis.